

In Peace Elite, doing a 360° spin is not just a fun way to show off your skills, but also an effective tactic for dodging enemy fire. The trick is to jump and then use the “jump and turn” maneuver. To do this, first press and hold “A” to jump, then press and hold the left stick in the left or right direction and at the same time press and hold “B” to shoot. As soon as you press the left stick, you should see your character do a 360° spin in mid-air. If done correctly, your character will complete a full circle and land back on the ground.


In Peace Elite doing a 360° spin is not

      The 360° spin maneuver can greatly improve the effectiveness of your characters ability to dodge enemy fire. It helps your character stay mobile while more accurately aiming at their target. Additionally, the quick rotation can be used to disorient an enemy while theyre trying to line up a shot. With practice, this move can become second nature and extremely valuable to your success in the game.

      Not only is the 360° spin useful for avoiding damage from enemy fire, but it can also give you the edge when lining up shots yourself. The trick here is to quickly move your view in the same direction as your spin when you start the maneuver. This way, the spin can help you gain better line-of-sight on your target. Additionally, the spinning motion can make it harder for moving targets to avoid your fire.

      Overall, the 360° spin is an important skill to learn and master in Peace Elite. It can help you both offensively and defensively, making it an invaluable tool during combat. With enough practice, it can become almost second nature, allowing you to execute the maneuver with ease and precision.
